Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is certainly getting more press than it used to. Is it so simple that something as basic as breathing can be a massive healer? While we know breathing is crucial to every aspect of our lives, the next step is using oxygen as therapy to benefit our friends in the animal kingdom. This is where hyperbaric oxygen therapy for pets comes into its own. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and veterinary medicine are working together to create a strong partnership to benefit everyone’s pets. Let’s highlight the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and specifically how it can help in animals such as man’s best friend, the dog.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen therapy at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, also known as HBOT, is something that is conducted in humans to treat decompression sickness, which can result from scuba diving or diseases that need a high level of oxygen in the blood to treat the condition. The therapeutic process requires patients to lie in an airtight chamber, and oxygen is dissolved in the blood which goes to the tissues. But it has started to make waves in the veterinary world. Using hyperbaric medicine for pets to treat diseases and disorders, such as wound healing and even neurological disorders, has become a game-changer.

The Use Of Hyperbaric Medicine for Veterinary Patients

HBOT has been tested on animals since 1998 when the earliest documentation of therapeutic use was made. While it has not been as widespread, news of sporadic treatments have appeared in veterinary literature, and now, there are more than 40 hyperbaric chambers used for pets in the United States.

The Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Procedure in Dogs

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen TherapyAs a HBOT investment for veterinarians is made cost efficient by Sechrist Hyperbaric Animal Chambers, local vets will want the reassurance that the therapies provided will be of benefit to animals as much as they are to humans. So how does the process work for man’s best friend?

Before treatment, the dog’s general health is evaluated, including checking for normal body temperature. An increase in body temperature could cause toxicity due to an increase in oxygen uptake. Metal objects such as IV catheters are removed or covered with a cotton bandage, and the dog is wetted down to reduce the chance of static shock or a spark igniting the chamber due to the presence of pure oxygen.

The treatment process is where the dog is placed inside a chamber, lying on a soft blanket. The air pressure in the chamber is gradually increased over 15 minutes and can last from one to two hours depending on the condition being treated. After the treatment, a period for decompression is conducted over a 15-minute time period. This is repeated twice a day until there is an improvement in the dog’s condition. The major question is if the dog is uncomfortable during the treatment. As the tube is spacious enough for the dog and they can be made as comfortable as possible, in conjunction with the gradual application of oxygen, the dog feels nothing. The course of treatment goes between five and ten days, and at least four hours between each individual treatment.

How Effective is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Dogs?

How Effective is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in DogsMany veterinarians view this type of treatment as experimental, and while it is relatively new to veterinary medicine, hyperbaric oxygen therapy for veterinarians is being increasingly used. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, from snake bites, infected wounds, all the way through to conditions like inflammation. The recovery process for pets and dogs is swift and relatively minuscule. But dogs can experience illness after HBOT treatment.

Why Should A Veterinarian Purchase A Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber?

Due to the wide variety of research conducted into HBOT as a veterinary tool, evidence exists of The optimization of tissue repair, as well as healing neurologic conditions, inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, as well as helping with cancer. Due to a considerable range of conditions each animal can suffer during the course of their lives, a treatment that is swift and effective is crucial. From the perspective of any veterinarian looking to treat a long-standing condition, there can be a lot of stress as far as minimizing the spread of disease is concerned. We are firmly in the age of alternative therapies, and as humans, we have been experimenting (or biohacking) for some time, but due to the wide range of applications associated with hyperbaric oxygen treatments, it’s likely that there will be increased positive feedback. In fact, veterinarians will expand their referral base with HBOT and from the perspective of any pet owner that is looking for a comprehensive treatment for their best friend, but have not tried alternative therapies, you can offer holistic hyperbaric oxygen treatment for pets.

When we look at it from the perspective of a pet owner, we have to remember that they are only after the best for their beloved pet. If their dog is getting older and is starting to succumb to the ravages of age, it is important to provide as much comfort as possible. The heartache and stress we see in any pet owner’s eyes when we have to tell them that their beloved pet, who has been by their side for years, been present at the momentous changes in the owner’s life, and is now having their life cruelly cut short, it is a look that we will never forget the first time we see it. If you can offer hyperbaric medicine at your veterinary clinics, you may stand the chance of seeing a far happier outcome for pets and owners alike.

We provide the model sv250 Sechrist hyperbaric veterinary chamber as well as the model sv500 Sechrist hyperbaric veterinary chamber, and if you or a veterinary practice is looking for a relatively new treatment that can work towards healing a wide range of ailments and diseases, we are a hyperbaric chamber manufacturer that can aid your practice in a new and exciting treatment that has far-reaching clinical implications for man and man’s best friend.

Hyperbaric medicine is a form of veterinary care that has been very popular in recent years. The technology for such care has come leaps and strides, and now, more and more veterinary practices are reaching out to suppliers to help them include such treatment options within their veterinarian clinics.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen therapy at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Veterinary Patients

In order to offer hyperbaric medicine at your veterinary clinics, you’ll need to keep up with the changing times. There are more hyperbaric chambers on the market than ever, and finding the right one is key to providing hyperbaric medicine for pets in your area.

Considering how much we love our pets, we bring them into the vet for tiny reasons that even slightly worry us. And because of this, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be very beneficial. Let’s run through a few of the main benefits below:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and MedicineSuch things as rapid healing can be achieved via hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Ensuring that animals are kept safe and secure in a containment chamber, which is then flooded with oxygen, can ensure your hospital moves pets in and out as fast as you need to. And because of the rapid healing element, the patients you’re caring for are unlikely to be at discomfort because of this fast paced system.

Similarly, it’s a very simple form of care that comes with some incredible benefits, including those we mentioned above, and that makes it such an accessible form of veterinary care. Indeed, with Hyperbaric medicine for veterinary patients, it’s ensured that oxygen itself can be used as medicine.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for veterinarians can very well advance the care you are able to provide to the patients you serve on a daily basis. Oxygen itself can do a lot for the body, and thanks to its continued successful use on humans, the fact that it can now be applied to animals can really help to boost local veterinary businesses. So, offering Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in your practice could be a real step up for patient care in your area, but how would you go about upgrading to such an option?

Offer Holistic Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Pets

Veterinarians will expand their referral base with HBOT, and it’s about time you did the same for your practice. Because of this extremely beneficial element in introducing Hyperbaric chambers to your vet practice, the first thing to do would be to explain what exactly hyperbaric oxygen treatment refers to. It’s essential that you’re able to explain it to those on your patients list, to ensure they’re fully clued up on the details over this advanced form of medicine.

Our Products

When it comes to HBOT investment for veterinarians, you want to find the right product for your practice. You want your HBOT chambers to be cost effective, with the right features, and a general application for the patients on your list.

There are some serious safety standards on offer here as well; the Sechrist team have been working to manufacture Hyperbaric chambers for over 40 years, so we know what it takes to build the right chamber for your veterinary practice.

Because of these factors, we stock 2 very unique and incredibly useful Hyperbaric Veterinary Chambers:

Oxygen Chambers Model SV250This model of hyperbaric chamber has a lot of features to it. One of the most notable is the fact that it’s a Class C chamber, meaning this model has been specifically engineered to meet your needs as a veterinarian, and the needs of the patient you’re currently screening.

The model sv250 is also extremely user friendly; due to the fact that practitioners will need to be trained to use Hyperbaric medicine and its resulting technologies, this was a must when it came to the general design. There’s an intercom system built into the chamber, to ensure communication can be passed back and forth between patient and operator.

Similarly, this chamber comes complete with a dual mode that’s unique to the product. You can deliver both Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, as well as enhanced oxygen, to any patient currently using the chamber.

This model is also a Class C chamber, with specialised engineering to suit both the veterinarian in charge, and the patient they’re seeing to. Once again, this chamber comes with a unique dual mode, to allow for HBOT and the supplemental use of enhanced oxygen at the same time.

Similarly, once again, the sv500 comes packaged as a user friendly unit. It’s made to be operator friendly, as well as patient friendly, and has a specialised intercom system to allow for communication back and forth without disrupting treatment during the designated periods. Thanks to this ease of use, the sv500 is best suited for animal care.

Moreover, one of the ways it beats out the previous sv250 model is due to its ability to service larger animals. The fact that it can load large companion animals is a boon for any veterinarian with a long list of large dog breeds as patients, meaning this model could be a very worthy upgrade.

Indeed, for any other information about these two products, be sure to click through to search our product pages.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is placing an animal in a chamber that’s provided with 100% oxygen. The oxygen is delivered in a chamber with an increased pressure. In fact, the first North American chamber was built in 1860. Today, it’s a therapy that’s moving into the veterinarian world fairly quickly. You could say that it’s an old medicine with fairly new applications.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

It’s wise to remember that oxygen is important for day to day activity of the cell. Hyperbaric Medicine for Pets is a way to monitor vitals and ensure that the patient or animal is receiving the right amount of oxygen. There are conventional ways to deliver oxygen to an animal, such as using a mask, but they may not be as effective as HBOT. It’s now feasible and possible to Offer Holistic Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Pets at your clinic.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Detail

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in DetailWith HBOT, an animal will get 20 times more oxygen circulating in plasma. There are different types of chambers available. One is a monoplace, or you can use multiplace chambers. An advantage of a monoplace chamber is that it can be set up in just about any practice because it doesn’t take up a lot of space. Typically, you’ll have one patient at a time using it. The multiplace chamber is huge, and you’ll need to make extra room for it, usually outside your building.

On average, each treatment lasts for about one to two hours. It’s a process that goes from compression (dive), to treatment, and finally depressurized (surfacing). There will be roughly one to three treatments per day, depending on the underlying condition.

How it Works

The goal is to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. The mechanism of action is that you want to increase the oxygen tension, free oxygen radicals, and vasoconstriction, which reduces edema. Increasing oxygen tension will increase fibroblast replication, angiogenesis, increased collagen response, and enhanced leukocyte function. If you’re interested, it’s worth checking out what products are out there and how you can secure them for your practice.

FDA Approved Applications

The FDA looked at specific diseases where there were enough studies to show that HBOT treatment makes a difference. The approved applications in humans are as follows:

  • Diabetic wound care
  • Air or gas embolism
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Thermal would burns
  • Skin grafts and flaps

Veterinary Applications of HBOT

Pets Benefit from Veterinarian Hyperbaric TreatmentThe HBOT Investment for Veterinarians is well worth it, as Veterinarians Will Expand Their Referral Base With HBOT. The experiences of previous veterinarians who use HBOT are now guidelines for others in the field. Studies have been done using HBOT on both dogs and cats. The most common reasons for going into the chamber are neurologic reasons. There are reports the animals recover better by going into the chamber after back surgery.
There’s evidence in veterinary medicine worth pointing out. The hyperbaric oxygen approach has been used in the treatment of gas gangrene in a dog. It got better after HBOT treatment, and the wound looked incredible very quickly. There have also been studies looking at the effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on a compromised Axial Pattern Flap in the cat. You need oxygen flowing for the flap to work properly. About 83 percent of treated cats flaps recovered compared to 50 percent of control cats. However, there were only 12 cats in the study, so it may be too challenging to tell if it’s truly beneficial.

Other Applications of HBOT

In dogs with pancreatitis, there are case reports in animal controlled studies available. The benefits were modifying systemic inflammatory response and preventing pancreatic necrosis. HBOT is generally considered early with two to four treatments during the period of hospitalization. The experience witnessed is a faster return to feeding, being more comfortable, and that it’s well-tolerated.
HBOT has also been used in snakebites and initiated early. Typically the dog will receive two to four treatments during hospitalization as well. The assessment was that it reduced swelling, was more comfortable, and had shorter hospitalization. There’s currently an ongoing study at the University of Tennessee, which is evaluating the effect of HBOT in snakebite patients. It’s a blinded, randomized, controlled study to remove any bias. They’ll be assessing swelling, snakebite severity score, pain score, and vital signs.

Additional experiences from vets include treating wounds, feline arterial thromboembolic disease, traumatic brain injury, inflammatory bowel disease, and carbon monoxide toxicity.

Next Steps

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Veterinarians is certainly a suitable option for treating animals with a number of conditions. It’s a relatively safe and well-tolerated treatment and easy to utilize in your practice. There’s a lot of potential areas for use in veterinary patients and is an important area for future research. Subjectively, it appears to make a difference in specific clinical conditions. You may want to consider the SV250 Hyperbaric Animal Chamber or the SV500 Hyperbaric Animal Chamber to help you begin meeting the needs of the animals you treat at your practice.

Give us a call today to better understand how we can help you get started offering HBOT at your practice. We can answer your questions and supply you with the hyperbaric oxygen chambers your veterinarian clinic needs to start treating animals and pets.

One of the more common problems that all veterinarians will run into in their practice is thermal burns. These can occur on a range of animals, and they are always something that needs fast and appropriate treatment if it is to be dealt with properly. As a veterinarian, you are always on the lookout for the best way to treat a range of problems that are brought to you, and that will certainly include thermal burns. Let’s take a look at thermal burns in more detail, as well as how offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment options can help heal these wounds and increase your referral base.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

Thermal Burns

Burns in general are a complex kind of injury that can cause many ongoing problems in a pet. Medical treatment of burns in dogs, cats and so forth is absolutely critical, especially where those burns are at least second degree, or when a large portion of the animal’s body is covered by the burn. Thermal burns are notoriously difficult to treat, and there are a range of factors why that might be the case. But one thing that is clear to most veterinarians is that hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used as a part of the treatment in order to reduce healing time and generally improve the outcome for the pet in question.

Burn Characteristics

Pet Burn CharacteristicsA burn is often described as a zone of coagulation, surrounded by an area of stasis, and bordered by erythema. This process has been known to alter macrophage function, mostly during the first 12 to 24 hours after the burn having taken place. The injury can sometimes be in a kind of flux for up to 72 hours, partly because of the usual lack of oxygenation.

There are numerous major goals when it comes to treating burns, no matter the animal that has sustained them. For one, you will generally want to minimize the edema, and keep the tissue viable in the stasis zone of the burn, which in turn helps to stave off infection as best as possible and stop ongoing problems from occurring. There is a method which does this very well, and that is why it is such a popular means of treating burns, or of assisting the treatment of burns, and that of course is hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Hyperbaric Treatment

So what exactly can hyperbaric treatment do for a burn injury in a pet that has come into your practice? There are a range of benefits that are worth delving into. For one thing, the right hyperbaric treatment applied at the right time can ensure that the burn’s physiological derangements do not continue after the burn has healed, and will also help that healing process itself a lot as well. Hyperbaric treatment also helps to heal second degree burns faster than traditional therapy means, and for that reason it is preferred for its speed of impact over many other treatment options.

Cat Oxygen ChambersHyperbaric treatment is highly effective in reducing edema, decreasing fluid requirements, preserving dermal structures and generally increasing immune response. There is also a reduced mortality rate, something that your clients are going to be particularly concerned about of course, and which as a practice you will be keen to manage as well. It also makes it less likely that the animal will have to stay in for surgery in order to heal from the burn.

As you can see, there are many advantages and benefits to using hyperbaric treatment for animals to treat burns. But beyond what it does in the immediate sense for the pet in question, what are some of the other reasons that you might want to make use of this kind of treatment in your practice?

Why Hyperbaric Treatment?

There are many great reasons why you might want to make use of hyperbaric treatment in your practice. As we have seen, it is highly effective in helping to treat burns and in speeding up the rate of recovery. That is something that directly and positively affects how your clients feel about using your service, as it means that their time is going to be eased up, and likely that their costs are going to be reduced as well, both of which are vital if you want to keep them happy. You will also find that, because of the decreased need for surgery and so on, there are fewer constraints put on your practice and your staff as a result. That means more time you can spend with each patient and their owners, and a better service offered all round in general. Overall, the use of hyperbaric treatment is going to be in line with ensuring that you keep your referrals from other clinics up, and ensuring you continue to offer the service your clients need.

Acquiring Hyperbaric Chambers

We are able to offer you different sized chambers for a range of pets, so you can make sure that you are treating any pet that comes into your practice with a thermal burn. You can trust our product as gold standard, and there is a very good reason why we are such a trusted name when it comes to offering hyperbaric chambers to the market. So if you are looking for some hyperbaric chambers for your veterinary practice, do not hesitate to get in touch today to find out more about the chambers that we can offer you. You can call us at (888) 748-3801 or email us on [email protected].

HBOT stands for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. A Hyperbaric chamber is a machine in which veterinarians place your pet when they are suffering from a range of illnesses. It is also useful when they require some post-surgical holistic treatment. The holistic part means that when an animal is suffering, there is so much more going on than the obvious illness they present with. Obviously, an animal cannot tell you what is wrong. So, the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy machine takes the whole animal into it, effectively treating the entire animal. The machine enables us to treat the patient much more quickly, as the machine is far more efficient at getting that much-needed oxygen to your patient’s vital organs and tissues. It can offer patients who present with shortness of breath, for example, almost instant relief. Due to the fact that the machine works under pressure, more oxygen is dissolved in the plasma of the blood more quickly. Oxygen is clearly needed to keep living things alive. However, it also plays a significant role in healing wounds and injuries. This means that those unseen problems in your patient’s body will get the oxygen they need to begin healing. The HBOT machine is far more effective than the old style oxygen cages, giving the patient more oxygen.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

Related Articles

Holistic HBOT BenefitsWe have two veterinary hyperbaric chambers for sale the SV250 and SV500. Both are C Class Chambers that are dual-purpose being used as a Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber as well as an ICU Chamber. They are specially designed to maximize the healing process and offer immediate assistance. The Sechrist team has extensive experience and have been making these types of machines for over 40 years, designing and manufacturing them in Anaheim, California. The main difference between the two chambers is that the SV500 is larger and can accommodate Great Danes, for example.

Here are some major benefits to the Holistic HBOT Hyperbaric animal chambers:

  • The large, long cylindrical base is made of acrylic – almost all chambers are made with acrylic, including the ones for human patients – and has a 20 year life.
  • It is very hard and strong so that the animals cannot scratch it.
  • It is completely see-through, so you get a fantastic full view of the animal within the chamber in order to monitor it effectively.
  • There is a phone attached to it, so that means that if the animal is panicking, you can if you want to talk through the phone and talk to the pet to help them calm down if they are anxious.
  • You can also administer audio through the machine to calm the pet down.
  • When you are pressuring up in the chamber, it is completely safe. It has the ability to do this automatically, so you do not have to increase the pressure incrementally manually. So this offers a little peace of mind.
  • It has a great ventilation system. You are able to control how much oxygen goes in and out of the chamber to a very fine degree. This feature is extremely useful for large dogs who may be panting a lot.
  • It has an optional free-flow oxygen mode. This means that the chamber can act as an oxygen cage if you require one. You are able to control the percent oxygen.
  • This means that you need less equipment in your clinic as the chamber is dual purpose.
  • It is all medical-grade air that flows through a large compressor into the chamber.
  • It has a very useful monitoring interface. You can see the CO2 levels, the percentage of oxygen in the chamber, the exact temperature within, which is essential for the comfort of the patient. It shows the humidity level – which has to be 30% or greater as at this level, it reduces the chance of static shock.
  • There is a removable grounding mat or stretcher in the patient tray too, which reduces, if not completely, removes the change of any static shock issues.
  • There is an electric scissor lift to help put the patients into the chamber.
  • There are specialized ports and pass-throughs for applications, which means you can hook the patient up to an IV, if need be.
  • There is a one-handed door Interlock device that makes the machine easy to open and close, resulting in a much more smooth experience when loading patients.
  • You can treat multiple patients at the same time. You can put up to four small dogs in there together.
  • They are Class C Chambers specifically designed to meet the special needs of veterinarians and their patients.
  • You can easily do 150 – 200 treatments a month in the chamber.
  • You get exceptional support from us at Sechrist if, in the unlikely event of something does happen to go wrong. We have a fully comprehensive, troubleshooting process.
  • The Veterinary Hyperbaric Chamber Installation process is extremely easy, you should have no problems. However, you can contact Sechrist, and we will be happy to help.

Veterinary investment

If you want your veterinary clinic to stay up with the times, you have to invest in the best equipment. If you do not, your business will stagnate and go into decline. The HBOT chambers for pets offer the best care you can give your patients. It is the best post-surgical recovery unit for pets. It helps with so many illnesses, including Acute Respiratory Distress (ARDS). You do not want your vet clinic to be unable to offer the care your competitor can. You will lose custom. Many veterinarians are advancing care with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and you should too. It means you will be able to expand your referral base. The results that the patients get from HBOT are extremely good, and in many cases, especially with ARDS, for example, it is saving lives where in the past, the patient would have died. Saving more lives with the Holistic HBOT Treatment for Pets is something all vets should invest in.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe life-threatening condition. It is where the air sacs inside the lungs fill up with fluid, and it also causes inflammation of the lungs, causing the patient to suffer from not absorbing enough oxygen. This means that all the organs start shutting down as they do not have the vital chemicals to function, leading to organ failure. ARDS is usually a killer. The mortality rate in dogs is almost 100 percent. When a patient develops ARDS, it typically indicates an underlying issue. It could be something like internal bleeding from an injury, which has caused the lungs to collapse.

Veterinary hyperbaric chamber treatment for pets helps with acute respiratory distress syndrome tremendously, view Dr. Lyman’s testimonial on the video below.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

Symptoms of ARDS in Pets

Symptoms of ARDS include:

  • Systolic Murmur
  • Loud Pulmonary Bronchovesicular Sounds
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cough
  • Discharge from nostrils

There are many causes of ARDS in pets such as:

  • Pneumonia
  • Inhalation of smoke and noxious gases
  • Near drowning
  • Thermal burns
  • Serious infections of the lungs or bloodstream
  • Some form of lung injury.
  • Blockage of the windpipe.

Current and old technology

With an almost 100 percent mortality rate after the onset of ARDS in dogs, something clearly needs to be done. It is not acceptable in this day and age for such a high death rate for a relatively common condition. At the moment, most veterinary’s are still using outdated technology such as flow by oxygen, masks, e-collar with plastic wrap, and nasal catheters. There are also oxygen cages that have a low flow of oxygen, a slow increase of oxygen tension, and they have an unacceptable level of CO2 build-up within them. In addition, heat and humidity tend to increase too. This is not good enough. All these technologies are not delivering the oxygen your patients need, and in some tragic cases, they are dying preventably.

Hyperbaric Assisted Oxygen Resuscitation or Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

At Sechrist Veterinary Health we are committed to providing state-of-the-art machinery that will help you save the lives of those much-loved pets. Our Hyperbaric Assisted Oxygen Resuscitation or Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chambers are much quicker and far more efficient at getting that much-needed oxygen into your pet’s vital tissues. So if they show up with ARDS, if you have our HBOT chamber on site, you have a much better chance of saving the life of that pet. We have a medium-sized unit and a large-sized unit. They have a dual-function, they can perform as a hyperbaric oxygen therapy unit and a free-flow ICU oxygen unit. With our units, you can monitor the oxygen concentration, temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and you are able to control them by using the flow rate switch. Under hyperbaric therapy pressure, a lot more oxygen can dissolve in the plasma of the blood far quicker. Thus more oxygen is blasted into those patients before full organ failure occurs. With ARDS, speed is the key, and hyperbaric chambers are able to inject your pet with over 1000mm more oxygen over the aging style oxygen cages. This can also be done within two minutes. You will be able to put the animal inside the hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber and get to work immediately. This is vital and immediate relief to those patients who may be suffering significantly with that horrible acute and deadly condition. It will also be a great relief to the owners too.

Veterinarian investment

Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Therapy InvestmentAny veterinarian who has dealt with a case of Acute Respiratory Distress first-hand knows how awful it can be. If those pets have any chance at all, it is by your investment in a veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber. It may not be cheap, but because oxygen is such an important element and the fact this machine can administer it as if it were an intravenous fluid means it can be a lifesaver. It has the effect of giving the patient an almost instant ability to breathe and stay alive. Also, veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps the patient recover from the underlying condition more quickly, as well. This is due to the fact that oxygen is vital in repairing the body. So, the next time one of your patients come in suffering from ARDS, instead of watching them die by uselessly using outdated technology, put them immediately in the HBOT chambers for pets. You then have a much better chance of saving that life instead of watching it fade away.

At the moment, HBOT is still not being employed by all veterinarians. If you do not have it and a competitor has, you may be in the process of losing customers to them. If you had a pet suffering ARDS, or any of the underlying conditions, you would want the best treatment available. The answer is a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. More and more people are becoming aware of hyperbaric technology, and want their pet to be saved by the utilization of one. Anyone who really loves and cares about their dog or cat, for example, will not want it to suffer unnecessarily with some outdated technology. If your competitor down the road has the hyperbaric chamber, your customer will go there. We are specialists and know what we are doing. You need to be offering pet oxygen chambers to your customers. If you can offer a hyperbaric chamber for pets you will find you can treat more pets more quickly, save more lives, and therefore increase revenue.

How HBOT investment will expand veterinarians referral base

If you manage to save a few dog’s lives after they have arrived showing signs and symptoms of ARDS the news will travel fast. Most people will be aware of the mortality rate and will definitely spread the good news. If you can offer the best technology, there is no doubt it will expand your business. HBOT is still a relatively new technology, so it is in your interest to be the first in your area to offer it to patients. However, it is gaining popularity. We have a veterinary hyperbaric chambers for sale so give us a call, and we can help expand your business. It may not be cheap, but the investment will be the best thing you could do to heal all those loved pets in your town.

Pulmonary edema is a condition where the lungs fill up with fluid. The debilitating abnormal fluid collects in numerous sacs in the lungs and causes the patient to suffer from shortness of breath. As the tissues in the lungs continue to fill up, it means that less and less oxygen can be absorbed into the bloodstream. The eventual outcome of this that all the vital organs begin to shut down. If left untreated, pulmonary edema is life-threatening.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

There are several different causes of this pulmonary edema, but the illness is divided into two main categories. The first is where a pre-existing heart condition causes the illness. This is known as cardiogenic pulmonary edema. The heart conditions which can lead to pulmonary edema include coronary artery disease, chronic valve disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats, and dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs. The second type is non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Therefore an underlying heart condition does not cause it. Causes of non-cardiogenic edema include cancer in the lungs, a drowning episode, some kind of trauma, i.e. strangulation or head trauma, electrocution, seizures, and acute lung injury.

Current/old technology

Old Veterinary Oxygen TechnologyIn the majority of cases, the technology that most veterinary’s still have is simply not good enough for all your customer needs. Aging technology such as the oxygen masks, for example, are just simply not up to the job of injecting oxygen back into the blood of your patients. Oxygen masks have a low flow of oxygen and a slow increase of oxygen tension. This is it’s only purpose, and it does not perform the job it is designed for with any sort of efficiency. They also have the affliction of having an unacceptable level of CO2 build-up within them. In addition, heat and humidity tend to build up too, meaning they become quite uncomfortable for the customer’s pets. Other old technology, such as nasal catheters, can’t stop the animal from breathing through their mouths, so how much benefit are they actually receiving from the catheter? There is also flow by oxygen, masks, e-collar with a plastic wrap, all of which are inept at delivering your patients the required oxygen they desperately need.

Hyperbaric Assisted Oxygen Resuscitation or Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

Right now, let’s talk about the solution to your oxygen problems. Our hyperbaric chamber for pets are much quicker and far more efficient at getting that much-needed oxygen to your patient’s vital tissues. So when they come in showing signs of pulmonary edema you will be able to put them into a hyperbaric oxygen unit and immediately relieve them. We have a medium-sized unit dual-purpose hyperbaric free-flow oxygen machine. And, we have a large-sized unit which is large enough to hold Great Danes, which may be suffering from something like dilated cardiomyopathy. They are both dual-purpose because they can perform as hyperbaric oxygen therapy units and a free flow ICU oxygen units. With our machines, you can monitor the oxygen concentration, temperature, humidity, CO2 levels in the units, and you are able to control these things by using the flow rate switch. Under hyperbaric therapy pressure, a lot more oxygen can dissolve in the plasma of the blood, and this happens far quicker. Thus more oxygen gets to the heart of your patient and all the other organs before they shut down. Hyperbaric chambers are able to give your patients over 1000mm more oxygen over the aging style oxygen cages. This is a vital and immediate relief to your patients who may be suffering significantly with acute pulmonary edema.

Veterinarian investment

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Investment for VeterinariansPurchasing a veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy unit for your veterinary surgery is a no brainer. Oxygen is such an important element. The fact is that not only do your customers need it to breathe and stay alive when they come in with illnesses such as pulmonary edema, but it is also a hugely vital element in terms of healing wounds. So, when your patients come in suffering from a horrible shortness of breath episode, you need to be able to offer the HBOT. Not only will you be helping your patient to breathe again, but you will also be speeding up the healing process of the original injury or condition. HBOT can help veterinarians treat a vast range of conditions with relative ease and efficiency.

Unfortunately, HBOT is not being employed by all veterinarians yet, and if you are one of them, it could mean that your veterinary is losing customers. That is because more and more people are becoming aware of hyperbaric technology. Once people know about new technology, they will want their pet to be healed inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. No one who really loves and cares about their pet will want it to suffer unnecessarily. No one wants some outdated technology. All they may need to do is go a little further down the road and use some other veterinary who has already upgraded to the latest state-of-the-art technology. At Secrist we want the best for you and your patients. We are specialists in offering pet oxygen chambers and want you to benefit from the new technology. If you can provide a hyperbaric chamber for your patients, you will find you can treat more pets more quickly, which will in turn increase revenue.

How HBOT investment will expand veterinarians referral base

It seems pretty obvious, but if you can offer the best technology and get that precious pet suffering from acute pulmonary edema breathing in two minutes, the good news will travel fast. There is no doubt that offering HBOT for pets will expand your veterinarian referrals. HBOT is still a relatively new technology, so it is in your best interest to be the first in your area to offer it to patients. People will come to you. However, it is gaining popularity, so be quick. We have veterinary hyperbaric chambers for sale, so give us a call, and we can help you expand your business. It may not be the cheapest thing, but the investment will be the best thing you could do to heal all those loved pets in your town.

Countless different strategies can help veterinarians expand their referral base and thus increase their business. However, one of the most reliable ways to grow your practice is to offer more advanced services not provided by other veterinarians; helping you stand out from the competition and give you the upper hand.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

One of the most popular, but relatively uncommon, veterinarian services available today is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). Aimed at treating several ailments such as rattlesnake bites, vasculitis, or even a tooth root abscess, HBOT is quickly becoming one of the most popular types of treatments available. Thanks to its effectiveness in healing certain conditions.

Unfortunately, the investment can be a little too much for smaller veterinary practices. There’s training required to use the machine effectively and safely, plus you also need to consider the initial setup, maintenance, and repair costs. It’s a substantial, but smart monetary investment, but is it worth it in the long run? In this article, we’re going to discuss how veterinarians can expand their referral base with HBOT and why it’s worth your time even if you’re a relatively small practice.

What Exactly is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is all about harnessing the power of oxygen. It involves placing the patient in a pressurized chamber. It often contains an air pressure that is three times higher than our normal atmospheric levels. Under these conditions, when breathing, the lungs of the patient gather more oxygen, carrying it around the body through the bloodstream. The increased oxygen levels help to improve health by fighting bacteria and stimulating the release of growth factors and stem cells which encourages the body to heal itself naturally.

Below is a partial list of all of the ways HBOT can be used as a treatment option, containing many of the most common conditions it can heal:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Historically, HBOT typically found its use as a last resort for the treatment of certain stubborn conditions. However, recently, many vets have found it useful as an alternative treatment to more invasive procedures. It is especially helpful for animals where healing remains a complicated, potentially lengthy process.

As a result, many pet owners have developed an affinity for HBOT and its use as an option for treating specific injuries. With this new knowledge, many owners have gone in search of veterinary practices using HBOT chambers. More often than not, these practices are rare to find, so a referral from another vet becomes the method of choice in their search.

How HBOT Can Expand Your Referral Base

Recently, due to increased media coverage, HBOT has gained popularity, especially in the field of veterinary medicine. This popularity has led to a rise in awareness, causing more clients to request it as a form of treatment. Unfortunately, a lot of veterinary practices still don’t have the equipment or the training necessary to offer such a service, hence why many are forced to refer clients to neighboring practices.

With the continual loss in revenue, an increasing number of these vet practices have chosen to install a chamber; leading to an increase in profits and a draw in new clientele. Being an early adopter of HBOT leads to some long-term benefits, especially when it comes to solidifying your reputation as a trusted and reputable vet. Our comprehensive service plan, which includes financing and installation, and guidance from our knowledgeable technicians, can help you take the first step towards the expansion of your veterinary practice.

How Can We Help?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will helpAs specialists in pet oxygen chambers, we can offer different sizes suitable for practices regardless of their scale*. It is our responsibility and dedication to both the veterinarian and pet that drove us to design chambers with the ability to treat multiple patients simultaneously for both small and large animals. With our industry experience, we’ve created safe, easy-to-use HBOT equipment that is already being used professionally in many veterinary clinics all across the country.

With over 40 years of experience, we can guarantee quality, practical design, and products that are engineered to last. We also provide regular maintenance and servicing from our trained technicians to ensure that our hyperbaric chambers continue serving your practice efficiently and with no hiccups.

Below, we’ve listed a couple more advantages of working with us to expand your referral base using HBOT:

  • Receive proper training for using hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Online education that covers the fundamentals of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • In-service equipment training that takes place after installation
  • On-site training in the application of HBOT
  • Training in hyperbaric medicine with multiple phase on-site training in hyperbaric medicine safety
  • Financing options to make obtaining a hyperbaric chamber more affordable for your veterinary practice

Safety is one of the most critical aspects of using a hyperbaric chamber effectively, hence why we put a heavy emphasis on training your staff members so that they understand how to use the equipment in a safe and controlled manner.

If you’d like to learn more about our services or want to book a consultation, we’re here to help. We’d be happy to answer any questions you may have and assist in deciding if the addition of an HBOT chamber is right for you.

*Please contact us for more information about the exact measurements and scale needed for each chamber.

Hyperbaric animal chambers are pieces of equipment that have revolutionized the veterinary services in recent years, providing pets with access to the hugely successful hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) treatments. Sivet Health takes great pride in helping vets from over 100 countries embrace the power of the procedures through world-class pet oxygen chambers, improving the level of animal care around the globe.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

The Function Of Hyperbaric Animal Chambers

Hyperbaric chambers were first designed with human care in mind, particularly for helping divers in their recoveries from post-dive physical trauma. In today’s climate, though, hyperbaric chamber treatment is helping ailing pets too.

The chambers work by putting the pet into an environment that is enriched with increased air pressure and oxygen levels. This ensures that oxygen diffuses to muscles far quicker, which can support the recovery from a range of illnesses and injuries. Veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used to aid household pets of varying sizes including cats, rabbits, dogs, and more, providing huge benefits during the treatment of the following conditions:

Using pet oxygen chambers as an adjunctive medicine has become an increasingly common solution for the world’s top veterinary clinics. You can order veterinary hyperbaric chambers from Sechrist Veterinary Health to bring your clinic into the modern day.

The Benefits Of Using HBOT For Pets In Your Clinic?

Before making an investment, many clinics will rightly ask “why do veterinarians need hyperbaric treatment for animals?”. After all, we’ve all been guilty of adding new equipment that offers very little other than an ego boost. HBOT for pets, however, is far more than a vanity project.

While it’s worth conducting more research into how hyperbarics is helping save pets, the fundamental rewards of incorporating the oxygen chambers are as follows:

  • Supports pets through an extended range of conditions.
  • Provides pets with the quick recoveries they deserve, resulting in greater health and comfort.
  • Supports a greater number of pets by speeding up the treatment times.
  • Gains more business by showing pet owners you boast the latest and greatest tech.
  • Provides pets with an immensely safe treatment with little/no side effects.

Frankly, then, the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for pets are vast and varied. Given the accessibility and affordability of oxygen chambers and hyperbaric medicine for pets, now is the time to make the transition.

A Comfortable Treatment For All Pets

Whether looking to use our smaller oxygen chambers (SV250) for cats and/or birds etc., or provide HBOT treatments in our larger oxygen chambers (SV500) for bigger pets such as large dog breeds; the wellbeing of the patient is paramount. The chambers allow for 3x as much concentrated oxygen to reach the lungs, which in itself puts the pet in far better condition.

The chambers are built specifically with pets in mind, providing a relaxed and calming environment at all times. While pets may still have discomfort from their injuries, symptoms, and pain are significantly reduced, particularly when used in conjunction with the right medicines.

Our technicians are always happy to discuss further additions that can make life more comfortable for pets, such as soft blankets. Pets can also relax after their oxygen chamber session to promote an even better recuperation.

Why Choose Sivet Health Hyperbaric Animal Chambers?

When you are considering incorporating the idea of veterinary hyperbaric chamber treatment for pets into your clinic’s operations, it’s imperative that you find the perfect oxygen chambers on the market. Sivet Health is the answer.

Our highly experienced team of professional researchers, technicians, and manufacturers have worked in the field of hyperbaric oxygen chamber creation and installation since 1973. We have helped thousands of facilities across the globe, and take great pride in providing the premier service that you (and your patients) deserve.

Hyperbaric treatments for pets should not be taken lightly, and you need to invest in the best chambers. SiVet Health uses the very latest technologies, offering HBOT chambers in two sizes, our SV250 and the SV500. Crucially, our commitment to you doesn’t end at the point of sale.

We care about animals and the level of care they receive. Likewise, we want to see quality veterinary practices like yours thrive. As such, our technicians will provide a thorough installation and oxygen chamber testing process to ensure that everything is working as expected.

It’s equally important for vets to understand how to get the most out of their oxygen chambers. Therefore, we’ll point you towards the very best course on the subject before providing in-person training to ensure that you’re all set to go. Giving pets access to the rapid recoveries they deserve has never looked better.

A Great Investment For Businesses

While pet care needs to be at the top of every vet’s agenda, it’s impossible to ignore the business elements. Like any other addition, pet oxygen chambers must bring benefits for the company too. Thankfully, they do.

The fact you’ll treat more pets across multiple conditions will take revenue to a whole new level. As such, the HBOT chamber will pay for itself in no time. By choosing Sivet Health, you can also take advantage of flexible repayment plans to remove any initial strains on your bank balance.

This additionally enables you to place your full focus on utilizing the HBOT chambers to their full potential, which encourages a far faster transition and produces a better outcome for all pets that visit your veterinary clinic for the associated treatments.

Order Your Hyperbaric Animal Chamber Today!

If you run a veterinary service and wish to start experiencing the benefits of using oxygen therapy for pets, SiVet Health can provide the comprehensive service needed to support you through the transition.

To learn more about the different oxygen chambers we offer and arrange an installation, call 850-510-2781 today.

Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has become one of the hottest trends in professional pet care over recent years, and the installation of a hyperbaric chamber can open the door to a wide range of healthcare treatments for pets. If your veterinary offices are in need of an upgrade and you want to aid animals in their recovery. Especially from various injuries and/or illnesses, these animal oxygen therapy chambers are the perfect solution.

Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781

What Exactly Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) was initially used as a treatment for humans (predominantly divers), but the benefits have since transcended this arena to become a useful type of treatment for cats, dogs, rabbits, and other pets of varying sizes. Veterinarians can offer hyperbaric medicine for pets through the installation of a modern hyperbaric chamber.

While the actual HBOT process can be seen as scientifically advanced the basic premise is that the patient is guided into the chamber where they are treated with a combination of high oxygen concentration and increased air pressure. This is designed to make oxygen diffuse into the tissues at a far quicker rate.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to have immensely positive impacts in the treatment of many ailments, including but not limited to:

animal hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy and hyperbaric medicine can produce quick and significant results for pets suffering from any of the ailments listed above. HBOT for pets has truly transformed the world of veterinary services.

Veterinary Hyperbaric Chambers For Sale & Installation

Any veterinary service has the potential to offer oxygen therapy for pets through the use of a hyperbaric animal chamber. After all, the hyperbaric animal chambers are far more affordable than most imagine while they don’t take up too much room either. Crucially, any professional vet should have the skills needed to learn the procedures involved – as long as they have the right support.

The recipe for success relies on three main ingredients; the hyperbaric animal chamber purchase, the correct installation, and following the correct procedures. Sechrist is a team of dedicated professionals that have worked in the field of hyperbaric products since 1973, and can support you through each step of the process.

Given the many benefits of injury recovery with hyperbaric for pets, now is the time to embrace this latest innovation in veterinary medicine. .

Hyperbaric Animal Chamber Purchases

If your veterinary service is serious about using the hyperbaric chamber treatment for pets, it’s vital that you purchase one of the best products on the market. After all, only the best chambers can produce the high levels of oxygen concentration needed for optimal results – that’s the least your patients, and their owners deserve.

Sechrist is a market leader in manufacturing world-class hyperbaric animal chambers. We specialize in products for vets. The fact we design, produce, sell, and install HBOT chambers for veterinary centers around the globe allows you to purchase with confidence – not least thanks to the affordable pricing and extremely helpful agents.

The Installation

Oxygen Therapy Chamber InstallationHyperbaric animal chambers are incredible pieces of technology, but in order to perform at the highest level, they need to be installed and set up in the right manner. Failure in any of these areas compromises their quality and has an impact during treatments. If you want to provide pets with the best support during their recoveries, only a professional installation will suffice.

Sechrist’s technicians are the perfect solution. In addition to specialising in the HBOT chambers, our experts can teach your vets about how to use the chambers and discuss issues such as identifying faults that will need immediate treatment. If you truly care about the pets you treat, a professional installation will be high on the agenda.

The Training

Even the best Sechrist veterinary HBOT chamber is futile if your team did not receive the proper training. We aren’t only a team of manufacturers, we are a team of pet lovers that care about helping vets provide the best veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy possible. This is evidenced by our commitment to your development.

Following installation and the initial briefings from our technicians, you’ll be asked to take an online course about HBOT. Upon completion, we provide in-person training to ensure that you’re ready to use the hyperbaric animal chamber safely and efficiently. Aside from benefiting the animals livelihood and their owners peace of mind, it’ll put your mind at ease knowing you have the best possible training available.

HBOT Chambers Designed For Pets & Vets Alike

While ensuring that pets receive the best possible support is our priority (as well as yours), we also take great pride in supporting veterinary practices and their owners. This is evident in the fact we offer two models of pet oxygen chambers, the SV250 and the SV500.

We design safe, easy to use equipment while also providing the maintenance, training, and aftercare support needed to see the very best results for years to come. Furthermore, we offer a range of repayment options, which gives you the power and control to improve your clinic without risking its financial future. This is hugely important for any veterinary service because the quality of your equipment will be redundant if you no longer have a business.

Our hyperbaric animal chambers truly transform your approach to supporting animal recoveries through a host of issues; providing the quickest and most effective way to restore their health and comfort. When you choose to install one of our high-quality HBOT chambers in your facility (and follow it up with the right training), the foundations of a thriving recovery service will be established.

Discover More Today

Whether you’re new to the world of HBOT treatments for pets or have studied hyperbaric chamber treatments for some time, getting the right product and the proper installation is central to using Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment for Helping Ailing Pets. Take the first steps to success by calling 850-510-2781 today.