Holistic HBOT Treatment for Pets

HBOT stands for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. A Hyperbaric chamber is a machine in which veterinarians place your pet when they are suffering from a range of illnesses. It is also useful when they require some post-surgical holistic treatment. The holistic part means that when an animal is suffering, there is so much more going on than the obvious illness they present with. Obviously, an animal cannot tell you what is wrong. So, the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy machine takes the whole animal into it, effectively treating the entire animal. The machine enables us to treat the patient much more quickly, as the machine is far more efficient at getting that much-needed oxygen to your patient’s vital organs and tissues. It can offer patients who present with shortness of breath, for example, almost instant relief. Due to the fact that the machine works under pressure, more oxygen is dissolved in the plasma of the blood more quickly. Oxygen is clearly needed to keep living things alive. However, it also plays a significant role in healing wounds and injuries. This means that those unseen problems in your patient’s body will get the oxygen they need to begin healing. The HBOT machine is far more effective than the old style oxygen cages, giving the patient more oxygen.
Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781
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We have two veterinary hyperbaric chambers for sale the SV250 and SV500. Both are C Class Chambers that are dual-purpose being used as a Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber as well as an ICU Chamber. They are specially designed to maximize the healing process and offer immediate assistance. The Sechrist team has extensive experience and have been making these types of machines for over 40 years, designing and manufacturing them in Anaheim, California. The main difference between the two chambers is that the SV500 is larger and can accommodate Great Danes, for example.
Here are some major benefits to the Holistic HBOT Hyperbaric animal chambers:
- The large, long cylindrical base is made of acrylic – almost all chambers are made with acrylic, including the ones for human patients – and has a 20 year life.
- It is very hard and strong so that the animals cannot scratch it.
- It is completely see-through, so you get a fantastic full view of the animal within the chamber in order to monitor it effectively.
- There is a phone attached to it, so that means that if the animal is panicking, you can if you want to talk through the phone and talk to the pet to help them calm down if they are anxious.
- You can also administer audio through the machine to calm the pet down.
- When you are pressuring up in the chamber, it is completely safe. It has the ability to do this automatically, so you do not have to increase the pressure incrementally manually. So this offers a little peace of mind.
- It has a great ventilation system. You are able to control how much oxygen goes in and out of the chamber to a very fine degree. This feature is extremely useful for large dogs who may be panting a lot.
- It has an optional free-flow oxygen mode. This means that the chamber can act as an oxygen cage if you require one. You are able to control the percent oxygen.
- This means that you need less equipment in your clinic as the chamber is dual purpose.
- It is all medical-grade air that flows through a large compressor into the chamber.
- It has a very useful monitoring interface. You can see the CO2 levels, the percentage of oxygen in the chamber, the exact temperature within, which is essential for the comfort of the patient. It shows the humidity level – which has to be 30% or greater as at this level, it reduces the chance of static shock.
- There is a removable grounding mat or stretcher in the patient tray too, which reduces, if not completely, removes the change of any static shock issues.
- There is an electric scissor lift to help put the patients into the chamber.
- There are specialized ports and pass-throughs for applications, which means you can hook the patient up to an IV, if need be.
- There is a one-handed door Interlock device that makes the machine easy to open and close, resulting in a much more smooth experience when loading patients.
- You can treat multiple patients at the same time. You can put up to four small dogs in there together.
- They are Class C Chambers specifically designed to meet the special needs of veterinarians and their patients.
- You can easily do 150 – 200 treatments a month in the chamber.
- You get exceptional support from us at Sechrist if, in the unlikely event of something does happen to go wrong. We have a fully comprehensive, troubleshooting process.
- The Veterinary Hyperbaric Chamber Installation process is extremely easy, you should have no problems. However, you can contact Sechrist, and we will be happy to help.
Veterinary investment
If you want your veterinary clinic to stay up with the times, you have to invest in the best equipment. If you do not, your business will stagnate and go into decline. The HBOT chambers for pets offer the best care you can give your patients. It is the best post-surgical recovery unit for pets. It helps with so many illnesses, including Acute Respiratory Distress (ARDS). You do not want your vet clinic to be unable to offer the care your competitor can. You will lose custom. Many veterinarians are advancing care with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and you should too. It means you will be able to expand your referral base. The results that the patients get from HBOT are extremely good, and in many cases, especially with ARDS, for example, it is saving lives where in the past, the patient would have died. Saving more lives with the Holistic HBOT Treatment for Pets is something all vets should invest in.