Holistic Oxygen Therapy Products

The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been established to manage or treat a number of chronic conditions and diseases. There have been continuing studies to highlight additional applications. HBOT is suitable in conjunction with therapies for animals with a wide range of conditions or ailments, such as:
- Brain or nerve damage.
- Wounds, for example, burns, ulcers, gangrene, and necrosis.
- Certain aspects of neurological degeneration.
- Infections of the wound.
- Acute ischaemic conditions (also known as a restriction in blood supply to key tissues).
- Swelling and recovery after surgery.
- Nerve damage.
- Inflammatory conditions.
- Infections.
- Healing fractures.
- Severe skin or tissue damage.
As you can see, there is a wide range of hyperbaric chamber benefits for animals that have chronic conditions.
Interested in offering hyperbaric oxygen therapy at your veterinarian clinic?
Call: 850-510-2781
Pet Oxygen Chambers As Adjunctive Medication
The most important thing that we all need to remember when it comes to holistic oxygen therapy products is that they are around for a reason. Oxygen therapy has its detractors but because oxygen is essential in carrying essentials to heal tissue and benefits the brain, we must prioritize oxygen therapy. From the perspective of a veterinarian, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an excellent adjunctive medication to get pets back on their paws.
Pythagoreans believed that animals experience the same range of emotions as humans, and this is something that we shouldn’t lose track of in how we go about treating their ailments. As the hunt goes on for new processes to heal humans, we should embrace alternative means of treatment. Animals experience many human emotions and benefit from a very similar set of stimuli as we do. We need to get outside on a regular basis, and we require mental and physical stimulation. As such, when we consider how we treat our animals, and how we treat each other, we must prioritize the ethical and humane treatment of animals in relation to their ailments.
From the perspective of any medical expert, oxygen is a big healer of ailments, and as oxygen, when provided at optimal levels has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and tissue healing benefits, it needs pride of place in holistic treatment practice, Offer Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at your Veterinary Clinic. While hyperbaric oxygen, from the human perspective, appears to be the mainstay of celebrities and sports professionals, it is very beneficial as part of a detox program by increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen is great for general health and wellness, as it increases energy, improves the immune system, and helps reduce pain relief. But as animals have feelings too, oxygen can help with minimizing stress and regulating sleep patterns, which is ideal if the animal is in an oxygen-deprived environment, such as a densely polluted area. As it improves mental function, and helps with depression, anxiety, stress and can improve concentration, its rejuvenating effects can be felt in everyone, especially animals.
How Do Animals Benefit From HBOT?
Aside from the ailments stated above, it appears that oxygen therapy is well-suited to treating animals and is arguably more effective in its healing properties in animals than in humans. Research indicates that animals have approximately five times the accelerated rate of tissue healing than humans. As a result, recovery from illness or healing injuries is far more beneficial in our animal counterparts. And as HBOT is non-invasive and a well-tolerated therapy, it is ideal to treat a large range of veterinary conditions, as animals need as minimal stress as possible during the process.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Animals
HBOT for animals is usually used as an “adjunctive treatment”. If it is used in conjunction with other forms of treatment, this proves to be better in its efficacy. Using it as part of a total treatment package will yield better benefits when used holistically. Due to the wide variety of ailments animals can suffer from, sitting in the animal chamber results in oxygen dissolving into all of the body fluid and tissues. As a result, it is reaching important areas as varied as the place of injury to the central nervous system, so oxygen delivery can get to work efficiently, especially if there is an obstruction in an ill animal. As such, using holistic hyperbarics as a combination therapy can prove to yield the best results.
Getting Hyperbaric Chambers
As a relatively new wave of treatment, veterinarians can be somewhat skeptical of the results. But with the types of veterinary hyperbaric chambers for sale, such as the model sv250 Sechrist hyperbaric veterinary chamber and the model sv500 Sechrist hyperbaric veterinary chamber, you can guarantee a pet oxygen chamber that works in conjunction with a range of holistic therapies. If you are looking to treat a pet with a chronic condition, but the traditional treatments have not been working, we can offer a Class C hyperbaric chamber that is classed as gold standard. Finding hyperbaric chambers for sale is not always easy to come by, which is why it is essential to find a trusted hyperbaric chamber manufacturer. Treating animal ailments is as complex as treating human issues on occasion. And as animals require a wide variety of treatments to ensure they are looking and feeling their best, we have to remember that the business of healing animals is as much about the owners as it is the pets themselves. When we see the look in the owner’s eye when the procedure was a complete success, despite the precarious nature of something people don’t know about, like oxygen therapy, this is when we know it’s all worth it. Oxygen is the great healer.